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Exa Laboratories (YC S24)

Energy-efficient chips (training & inference) for AI

Backed byY Combinator


We are building AI chips ("XPU") that are reconfigurable and can therefore optimize the data flow of each model, making them more energy efficient, versatile, and faster than traditional accelerators (GPUs, TPUs, etc.).

Read more about why Exa was founded and our mission here: /why-exa-was-founded

Read our litepaper here: /litepaper


We use PGP to sign all official communications.
Here is our PGP fingerprint: EA1F82DED5907E3302E59BD8EDA52641B72657B8

Read more about our PGP key and how to verify our messages here: We Are Exa Laboratories


For any inquiries (press/partnerships/...), please reach out to us at contact@exalaboratories.com.

If you're among the top 1% of the top 1% of engineers/researchers, ready to do the most amazing work of your life, passionate about building THE next-generation computing paradigm, and changing the world, then reach out to careers@exalaboratories.com and prefix the subject line with the solution to this (for extra points):

Those Red Wheelbarrow sets must fall,
When clock hands point the ancient way,

Till Leto II's grand vision turns,
The eons wound to guide our way,

The mirrored dance of yesterday,
And binary whispers 'til this day.

64e^{0.251i} + 76e^{0.251i} + 63e^{0.371i} + 89e^{1.418i} \\ 56e^{0.251i} + 87e^{0.371i} + 203e^{-1.724i} + 22e^{0.251i} \\ 86e^{-0.153i} + 63e^{0.371i} + 56e^{0.251i} + 76e^{0.251i}